WE ACHIEVED EVERYTHING WE SET OUT TO DO! But oh boy it has been hard work. The fact that we managed to finish is a minor miracle and the thoughts and prayer of everyone that home have contributed hugely to this.
At the very start of this project I said that everyone who supported us was part of the team and you can all feel a sense of pride and joy tonight. The children's faces as they were set loose on the Jungle Gyms made all the hard work worth it. For our hosts the kitchens and paths were the thing that they appreciated the most. I cannot articulate just how much has been achieved this week; it is truly amazing.
We are all feeling the pace tonight though as the adrenalin of the week has worn off and a number have just worked themselves to a stand still.Videos and pictures will be published over the coming week and I will put together a full account of our adventure over the next few days.