Wednesday 26 March 2008


Dean says

"That was a long hard day. I can only now appreciate the work the guy's did outside on day one and two ! Its back breaking work. But we are still on track and the results are now starting to shine through !! Its a shame we can't spend more time with the kids, but we are here to leave them a lasting legacy to help them every day. The time I did spend with them they have learned my 'eat the bugs off your head game' (patent pending!) and still insist on trying to remove my arm hair and tattoos !! But its entertainment for them.

Well like I said its been a long day say I will be keeping it short today and hopefully sending some photo's and possibly a video to the blog !!!"


Michelle said...

To Dean
Hi Honey
I am so proud of you and the team for what you are doing.

We prayed for you all tonight at house group and will continue to do so for the duration of the Project.

I love you
M xx

Anonymous said...

that game sounds interesting... will you teach it to us too? LOL. keeping you guys in our prayers! God bless.

pete said...

Hi just read your updates, it is so good to hear that you are going to complete everything that you wanted to achieve. It sounds like you are having a great time with the children! Love the photos.
We are praying for you all and look forward to seeing you soon loads of love to you from Pete and Angie xxxxx