Wednesday 26 March 2008

Paths, blisters and backache.....

By Stuart

We have worked so hard today; the paths that we thought would take just a couple of days have proven to be a nightmare. It was a another early start 0530 (which has been the start time everyday thus far) Dean and I started on a kitchen this morning but quickly realized that the floor which resembled a roller coaster and the walls which followed a similar pattern needed the far greater skills of David so we decided to 'crack on' with one of the paths.

What we all thought would be a simple job has taken all day and most of the team as well! And we only managed to lay a third of the path that we need. Only David and Shane, who cracked on with the kitchens, (one hour in the morning and all 3 will have been installed!!- If you could see how difficult this part of the project has been then the fact that they have nearly finished is a minor miracle in itself). The problem with the paths is that we have had to dig down to ensure that the water runs away from the building, and though the soil is fairly soft, the concrete, rock and roots make sure that it is very hard work. It took Dean and I four hours to dig out 20 meters of path foundations. The rest of the team dug out the other house and laid the path.

This afternoon myself, Gemma and Tiffany dug out the path around the upper house which again was really difficult. My clerical hands have blistered, my back aches and I need my bed. It was dark by the time we finished tonight (1845) with a 10-minute break for lunch - my body is not use to working this hard!

The people continue to be fantastic and have ensured that we have been really well looked after in every respect. I know that a lot of people are praying back home for the success of the project, please continue as we are really seeing the results

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hi Stu
sounds like you are doing wonders!

Nicole, Ruth, Suzanne and I had some wonderful prayer time for you guys on Tuesday night and know that God is doing great things with you all. We pray that you will all be blessed in the work you do and that the children and support workers will be blessed in receiving your help.

God Bless
see you soon
x Chelle