Tuesday 25 March 2008

I've been ironing.....!

From Stuart

It has been a hugely satisfying day, with so many positives to recount. The weather for those very British amongst us was in patches today very wet and as I had told the team that there had not been rain in Richard’s Bay for 12 years this brought a few comments about my planning (I told them not to bring waterproofs to save weight!!).We have made so much progress today, with the first kitchen now in and most of the prep for the 2nd and 3rd done. The Jungle Gym is now up and the swings built. Our plan for tomorrow is to complete the 2nd kitchen and lay the path, then to carry on with the Jungle Gym. Also in the afternoon the team is going to split with Jimmy, Sweeny and Shane going over to the second site (older children) to start on the Jungle Gym for them. Our hosts have been fantastic providing food and refreshment throughout the day and as I was given the worst jobs on earth today (I suspect as a punishment for apparently not working yesterday) the light relief of a cup of tea was most welcome. The children in the orphanage and indeed in the surrounding community as so very poor and I just hope that the work that we are doing makes a difference in their lives.
I know it is! Thank you to everyone who has supported this project the money and the prayers are making a huge difference.

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